RFP – New Firetruck



City of Niles‘ Advertisement to issue a Request for Proposals for

A New Fire Engine for the City of Niles Fire Department

City of Niles (City) is soliciting requests for proposals for a New Fire Engine for the City of Niles.  Please see the City Website for specifications. www.thecityofniles.com.

Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Niles Auditor’s Office, in the City Hall, 34 West State Street, Ohio, until 11:00 a.m. on October 11, 2022, for the following project:

Request for Proposals for a New Fire Engine for the City of Niles Fire Department

Envelopes should be plainly marked “Request for Proposals for a New Fire Engine for the City of Niles.

Each proposal shall contain the full name and address of every person, firm, or corporation interested in the same, and if a corporation, the name and address of the president and secretary, and shall comply with the ORC, including 735.06 and bid and performance sureties if applicable and also review Niles Codified Ordinances 138.01, if applicable.  The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

For questions regarding Requests for Proposals and specifications from the project study can be obtained by contacting Fire Chief John Stevens, at 330-544-9022 or via email at jstevens@thecityofniles.com.    

RFP Submittals shall be mailed in a sealed envelope to be opened on:

Date: October 11, 2022 @ 11:00 a.m.

Attention:  City Auditor

34 West State Street

Niles, Ohio 44446

2t, September 23, 30, 2022

RFP – Comprehensive Plan




The City of Niles, Ohio (City) is seeking proposals for a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Niles.  The City intends to select a single consultant to create a comprehensive master plan for the City that incorporates existing and future aspects of the municipality, such as the natural environment, population and demographics, transportation, public utilities, community facilities, community vision, land use, economic development and other aspects critical to the development of a comprehensive plan. The final plan should also contain reasonably attainable long-term planning goals or objectives for the City and a mechanisms for periodic evaluations of the comprehensive plan. 


The organization and completion of the work should not be looked at as singular project but an ongoing partnership with the City of Niles to assist developing the City’s long-term future. 

Work includes coordination primarily with the City of Niles, and possibly additional county, state or federal agencies. The city has budget limitations that the project must adhere to.

The work will include but not be limited to the following:

Meetings with Various City, County, State or Federal officials

Coordinating with City officials to incorporate existing plans and grant opportunities within the overall comprehensive plan

Creation of Public Surveys for various items within the plan

Attending public meetings and other engagement activities related to the comprehensive plan

Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Niles Auditor’s Office in the City Hall, 34 West State Street, Niles Ohio, until 11:30 a.m. on July 20, 2022, for the following project. Envelopes should be clearly marked Request for Proposals for a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Niles.” Consultants must present their qualifications in a neat and orderly fashion and not exceed five double‐sided pages in length.  Cover letter and two page resumes will not be included in page count.

The City of Niles will not consider late submittals.

A narrative that describes the consultant’s specific qualifications and understanding of the services for which the City of Niles is requesting assistance;

A narrative that describes specific challenges associated with the required work and unique solutions available to deliver successful projects;

An example project schedule that depicts the tasks typical of a project classification for which the City of Niles is requesting the consultant’s qualifications;

Information for the key members of the consultant team, including names, capacity, unique capabilities, professional background, technical experience, and two page resumes only, (will not be included in the page count); and A completed and signed Non‐Discrimination Affirmation Form (Attachment A)

A detailed cost estimate of for the creation of a comprehensive plan (will not be included in the page count)

CONSULTANT SELECTION: A selection committee consisting of City of Niles staff will choose, in its opinion, the most qualified consultant to create the comprehensive plan under this procurement action.

Consultants understanding of specific challenges and unique solutions available to deliver successful comprehensive plans. The qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project.  Capability to meet time and project budget requirements; Location; Present and projected time available to designate to project.

The City of Niles may decide to select a consultant directly upon review of RFPs received, or it may elect to perform a round of interviews to aid in the determination.

Once a selection is made, the City and selected consultant will negotiate the initial scope of work. Note that scope and fee for individual project task orders will be negotiated individually as projects arise over the on‐call term.

If the City is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the initially selected consultant, it will formally terminate negotiations with that consultant and choose another party to negotiate The City of Niles will continue this process until they reach an agreement or cancel the process.


Direct questions or requests for additional information to:

James J. Taylor, Planner/Grant Coordinator


Subject line should read “Comprehensive Plan Request for Proposal”

330-544-9010 ext. 1601

Pump Station RFQ




The City of Niles, Ohio  is seeking Request for Qualifications (SOQ) from engineering consultants qualified to provide professional services in the form of design for the upgrade of sanitary pump stations, as well as the bidding, construction management, and resident project representation for the projects.

Design will be based on the 2022 Condition Assessment and Improvements Study.

Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Niles Auditor’s Office in the City Hall, 34 West State Street, Niles Ohio, until 11:30 a.m. on April 22, 2022. Envelopes should be clearly marked “Request for Qualifications for Engineering Consultants Services to provide Design Services for Sanitary Pump Stations Improvements.” Consultants must present their statement of qualifications in a neat and orderly fashion and not exceed ten single sided pages (five double‐sided pages) in length.  Cover letter, covers (front and back), and dividers will not be included in the page count. The City will not accept electronic submissions.

The City of Niles will not consider late submittals.

Statements of Qualifications shall provide the following information:

  • Narrative that describes the consultant’s qualifications and understanding of the services for which the City of Niles is requesting assistance;
  • Summaries of similar projects which demonstrate the experience and qualifications of the consultant and the consultant’s team members;
  • Resumes for the consultant’s proposed design team members.  Individual resumes shall not exceed one page for each person.

A completed and signed Non‐Discrimination Affirmation Form (Attachment A)

CONSULTANT SELECTION: A selection committee consisting of City of Niles staff will choose, in its opinion, the most qualified consultant to provide engineering services under this procurement action.

The City of Niles may decide to select a consultant directly upon review of RFQs received, or it may elect to perform a round of interviews to aid in the determination.

Once a selection is made, the City and selected consultant will negotiate the scope of work and fee. Note that additional scope and fee for additional individual project task orders and/or new projects will be negotiated individually as the need for such services is identified and directed by the City.

If the City is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the initially selected consultant, it will formally terminate negotiations with that consultant and choose another party to with which to negotiate.  The City of Niles will continue this process until they reach an agreement or cancel the process.  The City of Niles reserves the right to reject any or all bids.


Direct questions or requests for additional information to:

Paul J. Joseph, Superintendent


Subject line should read “Request for Qualifications”

330-544-9010 ext. 3101








The City of Niles, Ohio  is seeking Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from engineering consultants qualified to provide professional services  to provide technical support for the City’s pretreatment program, a required compliance element of our discharge permit.


The City  intends to select a single engineering consultant  to perform technical services over a period not to exceed three‐years as program support needs or pretreatment projects arise and funding is available.


Assistance with overall pretreatment program compliance with 40 CFR Part 403 – General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and New Sources of Pollution (the “General Pretreatment Requirements”).


Development and implementation of pretreatment operating procedures compliant with the minimum General Pretreatment Regulations at 40 CFR Part 403.8, including the development of written standard operating procedures and templates.



The organization and completion of the work should not be looked at as a data dump but an ongoing partnership with the City of Niles to assist in creating a viable and ongoing pretreatment program that will be approved by the Ohio EPA.


The city has an existing pretreatment program but is lacking updated information from both industries and the new updated plant’s performance ability, as it would relate to setting updated pretreatment limits.


Work includes coordination with the Ohio EPA and the City of Niles. The city has budget limitations that the project must adhere to.

The work will include but not be limited to the following:

Industrial User Survey

Industrial User Inspections

Data Evaluation and Initial Determination of Local Limits

Organize and Oversee in plant sampling, testing and data organization.

Sewer Use Ordinance Revisions


Evaluation of Local Limit Allocation Methods
Industrial User Permits


Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Niles Auditor’s Office in the City Hall, 34 West State Street, Niles Ohio, until 11:30 a.m. on February 10, 2022, for the following project. Envelopes should be

clearly marked “ Request for Qualifications for Engineering Consultants Services to provide Technical Support for the City’s Pretreatment Program.” Consultants must present their qualifications in a neat and orderly fashion and not exceed five double‐sided pages in length.  Cover letter and two page resumes will not be included in page count.



The City of Niles will not consider late submittals.


A narrative that describes the consultant’s specific qualifications and understanding of the services for which the City of Niles is requesting assistance;


A narrative that describes specific challenges associated with the required work and unique solutions available to deliver successful projects;


An example project schedule that depicts the tasks typical of a project classification for which the City of Niles is requesting the consultant’s qualifications;


Information for the key members of the consultant team, including names, capacity, unique capabilities, professional background, technical experience, and two page resumes only, (will not be included in the page count); and A completed and signed Non‐Discrimination Affirmation Form (Attachment A)


CONSULTANT SELECTION: A selection committee consisting of City of Niles staff will choose, in its opinion, the most qualified consultant to provide engineering services under this procurement action.


Consultants understanding of specific challenges and unique solutions available to deliver successful pretreatment program projects. The qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project.  Capability to meet time and project budget requirements; Location; Present and projected time available to designate to project.


The City of Niles may decide to select a consultant directly upon review of RFQs received, or it may elect to perform a round of interviews to aid in the determination.


Once a selection is made, the City and selected consultant will negotiate the initial scope of work. Note that scope and fee for individual project task orders will be negotiated individually as projects arise over the on‐ call term.


If the City is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the initially selected consultant, it will formally terminate negotiations with that consultant and choose another party to negotiate The City of Niles will continue this process until they reach an agreement or cancel the process.




Direct questions or requests for additional information to:

Paul J. Joseph, Superintendent


Subject line should read “Request for Qualifications”

330-544-9010 ext. 3101


RFQ – Design and Architectural Services

City of Niles‘  Advertisement to issue a Request for Qualifications for

Design and Architectural Services for an Addition to the City of Niles

Administration Building


City of Niles (City) is soliciting requests for qualifications for Design and Architectural Services for an Addition to the City of Niles Administration Building.  Please see the City Website for specifications. www.thecityofniles.com.

Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Niles Auditor’s Office, in the City Hall, 34 West State Street, Ohio, until 12:00 p.m. on August 19, 2021, for the following project:

Request for Qualifications for Design and Architectural Services

for an Addition to the City of Niles Administration Building

Envelopes should be plainly marked “Request for Qualifications for Design and Architectural Services for an Addition to the City of Niles Administration Building.

Each qualification shall contain the full name and address of every person, firm, or corporation interested in the same, and if a corporation, the name and address of the president and secretary, and shall comply with the ORC, including 735.06 and bid and performance sureties if applicable and also review Niles Codified Ordinances 138.01, if applicable.  The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

For questions regarding Requests for Qualifications please contact Anthony Flarey, Service Director at 330-544-9000 ext. 1103. 

RFQ Process and Compliance questions shall be emailed to lshay@thecityofniles.com Lori Shay, Paralegal for Law Director, Philip Zuzolo

RFQ Submittals shall be mailed in a sealed envelope to be opened on:

Date: August 19, 2021 @ 12:00 p.m.

Attention:  City Auditor

34 West State Street

Niles, Ohio 44446






RFP-Sludge Hauling and Disposal


City of Niles‘ Advertisement for tender of bids for 

Sludge Hauling and Disposal

for the City’s Wastewater Treatment Facility

City of Niles (City) is soliciting proposals from vendors for bids for Sludge Hauling and Disposal for the City’s Wastewater Treatment Facility.  Please see the City Website for specifications. www.thecityofniles.com.  Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Niles Auditor’s Office, in the City Hall, 34 West State Street, Ohio, until 12:00 p.m. on February 16, 2021, for the following project:

                              Sludge Hauling and Disposal for the City’s

                            Wastewater Treatment Facility

Envelopes should be plainly marked “Bids for Sludge Hauling and Disposal for the City’s Wastewater Treatment Facility.Each proposal shall contain the full name and address of every person, firm, or corporation interested in the same, and if a corporation, the name and address of the president and secretary, and shall comply with the Niles Codified Ordinance 138.01 and ORC, including 735.06 bid and performance sureties, if applicable. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

For specs and bidding instructions contact Nina Thomas at 330-544-9000 ext.1172 or nthomas@thecityofniles.com.

RFP Process and Compliance questions shall be emailed to lshay@thecityofniles.com, Lori Shay, Paralegal for Law Director, Philip Zuzolo

RFP Submittals shall be mailed in a sealed envelope to be opened on:

February 16, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.

Attention:  City Auditor

34 West State Street

Niles, Ohio 44446

RFP-Bulk Deliveries of Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Bisulfite


City of Niles‘ Advertisement for tender of bids for 

Bulk Deliveries of Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Bisulfite for the City’s

Wastewater Treatment Facility

City of Niles (City) is soliciting proposals from vendors for bids for Bulk Deliveries of Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Bisulfite for the City’s Wastewater Treatment Facility.  Please see the City Website for specifications. www.thecityofniles.com  Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Niles Auditor’s Office, in the City Hall, 34 West State Street, Ohio, until 12:00 p.m. on February 16, 2021, for the following project:

                              Bulk Deliveries of Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Bisulfite for the City’s

                             Wastewater Treatment Facility

Envelopes should be plainly marked “Bids for Bulk Deliveries of Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Bisulfite for the City’s Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Each proposal shall contain the full name and address of every person, firm, or corporation interested in the same, and if a corporation, the name and address of the president and secretary, and shall comply with the Niles Codified Ordinance 138.01 and ORC, including 735.06 bid and performance sureties, if applicable. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

For specs and bidding instructions contact Nina Thomas at 330-544-9000 ext.1172 or nthomas@thecityofniles.com.

RFP Process and Compliance questions shall be emailed to lshay@thecityofniles.com, Lori Shay, Paralegal for Law Director, Philip Zuzolo

RFP Submittals shall be mailed in a sealed envelope to be opened on:

February 16, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.

Attention:  City Auditor

34 West State Street

Niles, Ohio 44446

RFQ – Electrical Engineering Services for the Replacement of a Generator

City of Niles' Advertisement to issue a Request for Qualifications for Electrical Engineering Services for the Replacement of a Generator at the Safety Service Complex

City of Niles (City) is soliciting requests for qualifications for Electrical Engineering Services for the Replacement of a Generator at the Safety Service Complex.  Please see the City Website for specifications. www.thecityofniles.com.

Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Niles Auditor’s Office, in the City Hall, 34 West State Street, Ohio, until 12:00 p.m. on January 22, 2021, for the following project:

Request for Qualifications for Electrical Engineering Services for the Replacement of a Generator at the Safety Service Complex.

Envelopes should be plainly marked “Request for Qualifications for Electrical Engineering Services for the Replacement of a Generator at the Safety Service Complex.

Each qualification shall contain the full name and address of every person, firm, or corporation interested in the same, and if a corporation, the name and address of the president and secretary.

For questions regarding Requests for Qualifications please contact Allison King at 330-544-9000 ext. 1101 or email to aking@thecityofniles.com.    

RFQ Process and Compliance questions shall be emailed to lshay@thecityofniles.com Lori Shay, Paralegal for Law Director, Philip Zuzolo

RFQ Submittals shall be mailed in a sealed envelope to be opened on:

January 22, 2021 @ 12:00 p.m.

Attention:  City Auditor

34 West State Street

Niles, Ohio 44446

BID – Cardio & Weight Equipment

City of Niles‘ Advertisement for tender of bids for 

Weight and Cardio Equipment

for the Niles Wellness Center

City of Niles (City) is soliciting proposals from vendors for bids for Weight and Cardio Equipment for the Niles Wellness Center.  Please see the City Website for specifications. www.thecityofniles.com

Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Niles Auditor’s Office, in the City Hall, 34 West State Street, Ohio, until 12:00 p.m. on January 6, 2021, for the following project:

                              Weight and Cardio Equipment for the Niles Wellness Center

Envelopes should be plainly marked “Bids for Weight and Cardio Equipment for the Niles Wellness Center.

Each proposal shall contain the full name and address of every person, firm, or corporation interested in the same, and if a corporation, the name and address of the president and secretary, and shall comply with the Niles Codified Ordinance 138.01 and ORC, including 735.06 bid and performance sureties, if applicable. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

For specs and bidding instructions contact Mark Pallante at 330-544-9000 ext. 1141 or mpallante@thecityofniles.com.

RFP Process and Compliance questions shall be emailed to lshay@thecityofniles.com, Lori Shay, Paralegal for Law Director, Philip Zuzolo

RFP Submittals shall be mailed in a sealed envelope to be opened on:

January 6, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.

Attention:  City Auditor

34 West State Street

Niles, Ohio 44446

Please quote the following weight and cardio equipment for the Niles Wellness Center.

Please include:

1. Total price

2. Lease price- 3 year, 4 year, 5 year

3. Warranty- 3 year, 4 year, 5 year

4. Product time line


3 Treadmills

3 Cross Trainers

3 Recumbent bikes

1 Stair Master

Weight Equipment:

1 Chest Press

1 Peck/ Deltoid Fly

1 Shoulder Press

1 Bicep Curl

1 Tricep Extension

1 Lat pull down

1 Leg/calf press

1 Leg curl

1 Leg Extension

1 Vertical Row

1 Rotary Torso

1 Low back/Ab

1 Dual Adjustable pulley

1 Chin dip assist

The City of Niles reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bidders should review the Ohio Revised Code and Niles Codified Ordinance 138.01 and comply with any applicable provisions, including a bid and performance bond, if necessary. The City of Niles will also consider any experience with any contractor, material, supplies or equipment, either positive or negative, in determining the lowest and best bidder.