Welcome to the City of Niles, Ohio. We are pleased to have you visit us and hope you enjoy seeing what makes our city such a special place.

These are exciting times for Niles. We are creating a future vision, we have more citizens who are becoming actively involved, and we are moving forward! The City of Niles offers vibrant businesses, scenic parks and wellness areas, exceptional city services and safety forces, outstanding restaurants and shopping and a great school system.

The City of Niles is committed to a continued effort in creating an environment in which both our residents and businesses can thrive. It takes all of us working together to make that happen. We truly are and will continue to be stronger together.

I hope you enjoy your visit. Please contact my office if I can be of any assistance to you.

Steven Mientkiewicz

Mayor , City of Niles

Office of the Mayor

The Mayor’s Office provides executive leadership and community outreach for the city. The office is responsible for the overall management of the City’s departments, the support services necessary to maintain them, and the presentation of the City’s annual budget. The Mayor’s Office works with the other elected officials of the City in the day-to-day operations, as well as with City Council to discuss and pass legislation for the City. It is also the responsibility of the Mayor to represent the City on local, state, and national levels.

The mayor of the City of Niles is elected to a four year term. Qualifications include U.S. Citizenship, Niles Residence, and a High School Diploma. There is no age limit to run for mayor.


Mayor Steve Mientkiewcz attended Niles McKinley High School, graduating in 2002. After high school Mientkiewcz attended Youngstown State University where he received a Bachelors of Science in Middle Childhood Education in 2007. He continued his higher education at Kent State University to obtain a Master’s of Science in Education Administration in 2011. After completing his master degree Steve became a teacher at the Rich Center of Autism in Youngstown.
Steve Mientkiewcz was selected to finish out former Mayor Thomas Scarnecchia’s term, and resigned from his job as a teacher to fulfill his role in the Mayor’s office for The City of Niles. Before becoming the Mayor, Steve was a member of the Niles Precinct Committee (3C) from 2006-2013, and served as the Second Ward Councilman from 2015-2018.
Mayor Steve Mientkiewcz would like the opportunity to serve the citizens of Niles and represent the future of our city. As councilman, he brought fiscal responsibility and transparency. As Mayor, he operates in an OPEN and HONEST manner. Steve will engage in the planning process and create a vision for future growth. He will bring intellectual thought, intelligent ideas, and independent decisions all for the betterment of our community.

Want the Mayor to Marry You?

Mayor Steve Mientkiewicz is authorized to perform marriage ceremonies under Revised Code 3101.08
  • Cost $25
  • For more information, or to schedule your wedding; please call the Secretary of the Mayor 330-544-9000

Board of Control

The Board of Control is established under Ohio Revised Code 733.21 and approves all City contracts, agreements and expenditures. Decisions are reached with a majority vote of all members, with the Mayor presiding. The Board of Control keeps a record of all proceedings, as well as copies of all authorized contracts/agreements.

The Board of Control consists of the Mayor, Director of Public Service, and Director of Public Safety. All votes shall be by yeas and nays entered in the record, and a vote of a majority shall be necessary to adopt any question, motion or order.

Contracts, professional services, or purchases in excess of $5000.00 and up to $75,000.00 require the approval of the Board of Control.

The Board of Control operates in accordance with Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Sunshine laws. Meetings are open to the public and the minutes are maintained as public record. Meetings are held on a weekly basis. Special meetings may be conducted, as needed.

BOC meeting are held in person and can be accessed virtually with the information below.

Topic: Niles BOC

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Meeting ID: 845 2368 9022

Passcode: 44446

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Meeting ID: 845 2368 9022

Passcode: 44446

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kN8RZIsXm

If you are seeking past meeting minutes or have an inquiry about the Board of Control, please contact the Mayor’s secretary at 330-544-9000.


City Building

34 West State Street

Niles, Ohio 44446

330-544-9000 x 1100


Monday – Friday

8 AM – 4 PM

Steven Mientkiewicz


Anthony Flarey

Service Director

George Kaniclides

Safety Director